• Project 2025: Creating an American Dictatorship
    Project 2025: Creating an American Dictatorship

    Close your eyes for a moment and go with me on an imaginary journey. Imagine a United States of America where there is no Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). No federal agency to go after crime syndicates, protect us from terrorist attacks, protect civil rights, and protect the US against foreign intelligence, espionage, and cyber…

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  • Jeff’s Playlist: Ragged Glory
    Jeff’s Playlist: Ragged Glory

    I love Neil Young’s music and the way he plays it, especially with Crazy Horse. Adra and I had been married four years and were renting an apartment when this album was released. We had two cats (Leroy and Sapphire) and a dog, Bowser, for whom we moved across the street into a rental house…

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  • Marine training: Goodbye, Parris Island
    Marine training: Goodbye, Parris Island

    There were times when a recruit would either need to talk to the drill instructor or (worse) would be summoned to appear. Either way, the recruit would go to the DI’s office, stand out of the doorway and knock three times on the door frame.  In our barracks that frame had been pounded so many times…

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  • Reel Classics: Gandhi
    Reel Classics: Gandhi

    Today's Reel Classic looks at a film released in 1982 highlighting the life (and death) of an iconic figure and social activist, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (aka Mahatma Gandhi).  It follows his story from 1893 as an attorney in South Africa through his efforts to work for the independence of India from the rule of the…

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  • Reality of the Resurrection
    Reality of the Resurrection

    John Dominic Crossan’s historical Jesus was a Jewish peasant insurrectionist who was crucified because he was a threat to the Roman imperial order. He was not God incarnated, he didn’t die for humanity’s sins, and he wasn’t raised from the dead. The simple explanation for the missing body is that his corpse was thrown into a…

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  • Anna: Palentine Park
    Anna: Palentine Park

    The sky outside was a grey veil of gritty mist with a scarlet ball flickering orange and yellow fingers from its center that dripped a nightmare version of daylight across the city of Pharison.  The trees that had held the full peak of summer’s foliage now clung tenaciously to a few stubborn leaves. Dust drifted…

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